Adelaide SMBiT Professionals March 2014 meeting

  • 25 Mar 2014
  • 17:00 - 21:00
  • Hackney Hotel, 95 Hackney Road, Hackney SA 5069


  • Attendance to both the pre meeting dinner and chapter meeting.
  • Attending the Chapter Meeting only
  • This meeting may be broadcast as an online meeting. Please be aware that due to technical difficulties, the meeting may not work as planned.
  • Registration type for Vendors, Presenters and Guests

Registration is closed

*****NOTE THE FINAL VENUE CHANGE FOR THIS YEAR (fingers crossed)*****


(The Adelaide group meets on the last Tuesday of each month )




The Next SMBiT Professionals Meeting will be held:

25 MARCH 2014



The Hackney Hotel, 95 Hackney Road, Hackney SA 5069

(see Location Map)



5:00 - 6:30 pm = [Optional] Pre-Meeting Networking and Dinner at The Hackney Hotel (95 Hackney Road, Hackney, Adelaide)[menu]

6:30 - 6:40 = Welcome and meeting agenda review. Introduction of attending members & visitors

6:40 - 6:50 = SMBiT Professionals news and announcements

6.50 - 7.40 pm = Business Presentation: Virtualization for SMBs (Boon Tee) 

This session will delve into the basics of setting up a server for virtualization and why this can be useful in a Small Business scenario where budget and sizing constraints exist. Typically, the SMB organization will own one or two servers. How does Hyper-V leverage virtualization technologies to create an IT environment that will provide a stable, operational and effective solution for the SMB. 

7:40 - 8:30 pm = Technical Presentation: Office 365 under the covers (Dean Calvert) 

You've heard of Office 365, you may have even used it, but do you really know what Office 365 offers to both the user and admin? This presentation will lift the lid on some of the cool things Office 365 can do and why it can be the best solution for so many business. We will also look at where it may not be so ideal as well!.   

8:30 – 9:00 = Q & A, meeting survey and Prize Draw. This month’s prize is a training voucher of $200. **

**must be a current financial member, signed up for the event via the members portal, and present at the meeting, wearing your name tag

9:00 pm = Networking and meeting close



Boon Tee
Adelaide Vice President

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