Colmslie Hotel
Function Room
Corner Wynnum and Junction Roads Morningside 4170
(07) 3399 8222
For map - See: http://tinyurl.com/dx2ejpg
Lots of Car Parks in front of the hotel
Turn in from Junction Rd or Kates St
Session 1: iGel Thin Clients
Presenter: Marc Doehnert
Session 2: Anyware / Kaspersky
Presenter: Joseph Chai & Kaspersky Rep
IGEL: Surface2
OnTheNet: iPad Mini
The Meeting will be streamed using GotoMeeting.
Register for Webinar: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/779479734
We have received the new GotoMeeting streaming equipment which we will be testing on the night. I believe it will stream the slides and audio from the meeting but not live video.