MS-900 Exam Preparation - Brisbane

  • 22 Mar 2023
  • 09:00 - 12:30
  • The Pineapple Hotel, 706 Main Street, Kangaroo Point


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SMBiT Professionals

Brisbane Chapter



22nd March 2023


9:00am - 12:30pm



Pineapple Hotel

706 Main St
Kangaroo Point QLD 4169


Google map



Register NOW using the link below (at left if you're on the Web page)

MS-900 and SC-900 Exam Preparation


Robert Crane, CIAOPS


The need for technical certifications is growing. The most important part about following this path is that it provides you with a structure approach to learning and there is no better place to start than the foundational exams for Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Security, Compliance and Identity.

This full day session will provide you with the knowledge of how to tackle these certifications and provide you the best chance of adding them to your qualifications in an interactive session in person session. The day will be broken up into two sessions, one for each exam. You are welcome to attend either but you are encouraged to attend both to boost your professional development and get a leg up on the competition who are not investing in themselves or making themselves more attractive to customers as stand out IT Professionals.

After these sessions, coupled with your hands on experience, you be able to successfully complete the requirements to become a Microsoft Certified Professional and grow your portfolio of qualifications.

MS-900 -

SC-900 -


Morning session

(please register for afternoon session separately)

Members: $100
Non Members: $250



Register using the link below




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