SMBiT Professionals
Melbourne Chapter
Next meeting
26 May 2021
SMBiT Professionals Melbourne Chapter meets on the last Wednesday of the month
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Main Event
Stay a while afterwards and have a drink and a chat
Bells Hotel
Main Hall, Level 2, 157 Moray Street, South Melbourne Parking along Tope Street or Coventry Street
Register NOW using the link below (at left if you're on the Web page)
A whole new payment experience
Paul MacNeill and Bec Paior
Wise-Sync will take you through a short demo of their product and the latest product releases. Wise-Pay seamlessly reconciles invoice payments in your accounting platform and automatically creates client invoices for credit card surcharge payments, overpayments, and prepayments. With instant payment and zero-touch reconciliation - you’ll never have to chase a payment again. The latest updates will allow your customers to self-register or checkout as a guest. They'll also benefit from its newly enhanced functionality, which includes a variety of payment options (including direct debit), transparent surcharges, and the ability to schedule payments in advance. Wise-Sync is a Silver sponsor of SMBiT Professionals
The continuing journey of a cyber security nuff-nuff - what an MSP should know about hacking their clients
Patrick Kissane, Burger IT
As I work my way through the seedier tools and information available on the web, I have been amazed at the vast amounts of actionable intel there is for wannabe bad guys who wish to do harm to our clients. This presentation details some of the steps I have taken to try these tools and techniques out, and what I have uncovered as a result of running some of them on clients' infrastructure. It is scary how easy these tools are to use, and serves to help inform our clients of their exposure - and how to put measures in place to protect themselves (and your butts) from getting pwned (see - I even speak like a 1337 h4x0r now).
Round table discussion
Open forum ...
... issues, ideas, highs, lows, great tools you have found, bring them to the table!
Register using the link below