SMBiT Professionals
Sydney Chapter
Next meeting
12 February 2019
SMBiT Professionals Sydney Chapter meets on the second Tuesday of the month
Main Event
Stay a while afterwards and have a drink and a chat
North Ryde RSL
Cnr Pittwater and Magdala Roads North Ryde NSW
Register NOW using the link below (at left if you're on the Web page)
Threat landscape - What to expect in 2019
Sean Richmond, Global Solutions Engineer
A technical and interactive deep dive on the current threat landscape, what SOPHOS saw in 2018 and what we're expecting in 2019. We'll look at the evolution of ransomware, IoT, mobile threats and more. We'll explore what to look out for so attendees can ensure that their customers are best protected and prepared against the threats of 2019. Door prize for members: Bottle of Veuve Sophos is a Silver partner of SMBiT Professionals
Service Control Manager - What is it and why it affects every version of Windows since NT3.5
Wayne Small, Correct Solutions
What is it and why it affects every version of Windows since NT3.5
Round Table Discussion
Open forum ...
... issues, ideas, highs, lows, great tools you have found, bring them to the table! We are happy to announce that our CEO, Boon Tee, will be joining us this month. Come along and meet him face to face.
Register using the link below. To be eligible for the door prize, please register by 5:00pm Monday before