SMBiT Professionals
Brisbane Chapter
This Month′s Meeting
11 February 2015
SMBiT Professionals Brisbane meets on the second Wednesday of the month
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Main Event
Stay a while afterwards and have a drink and a chat
Colmslie Hotel
Function Room Cnr Wynnum and Junction Roads Morningside QLD
Register NOW using the link below (at left if you're on the Web page)
Mail and Backup from MAX Focus
Greg Williams, Pre-Sales Engineer
MAX Focus will be demonstrating their line of Backup and Mail protection products that have been designed specifically for MSP use.
MAX Focus is an SMBiT Professionals Silver Sponsor.
Know Your Numbers Workshop: Break-even Hourly Rates
Bryce Telfer
In this interactive workshop session we'll get back to basics and review how to calculate the break-even hourly rate for you and your technicians.
To get full benefit from the workshop, there is an excel spreadsheet for you to work on prior to the session. Please download the document from this link: Google Drive
This spreadsheet is for you to use privately, we won't be revealing your financials on the night. If you can't prepare the spreadsheet ahead of time, please at least come to the night with a an idea of your total annual expenses and wages so you can do the calculations.
Register using the link below